Originated from Arman's https://bitbucket.org/armish/gsoc14
Although there already existed an SBML-to-BioPAX converter, the produced BioPAX does not validate via the official BioPAX Validator and contain semantic errors, hindering its import into PC. For this part of the project, Arman fixed the SBML-to-BioPAX converter and made sure that it produces a valid BioPAX file with proper external identification information.
- Home page: http://humanmetabolism.org; also - at the BioModels - http://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomodels-main/MODEL1109130000 (Thiele et al., 2013)
- Type: Human metabolism
- Format: SBML (Systems Biology Markup Language)
- License: N/A (Public)
The existing converter was originally written for converting SBML 2 models
into BioPAX and obviously was extended later to support BioPAX L3 as well.
This being said, the converter was not making good use of all Paxtools
utilities that can make the code much simpler and cleaner.
I first tried to modify the existing code, but stuck with library conflicts
and was not able to resolve the problems. See the initial changesets
starting from tag base1
till milestone1.1
To keep things much simpler, we created a new project from the scratch.
This project depends on Paxtools and JSBML libraries.
We implemented the converter so that this project can be used as a
library by other projects as well.
The main class of this project, ReconxToBiopax
, serves as an
example to show how to use this API:
SbmlToBiopaxConverter converter = new SbmlToBiopaxConverter();
Model bpModel = converter.convert(new File(sbmlFile)); //can also be an InputStream
During implementation, we separated utility methods and main flow as
much as possible, so that we have all main conversion logic in the
class and all utility methods in the SbmlToBiopaxUtils
The logic of the conversion is as follows:
- Load SBML document.
- Get the parent model in the document.
- Convert SBML::model to BioPAX::Pathway. ToDo: make it optional; create Provenance (instead).
- Iterate over all reactions within SBML::model.
- Convert SBML::reaction to BioPAX::Conversion.
- Convert all SBML::modifiers to this reaction into BioPAX::Control reactions.
- Convert all SBML::reactants to BioPAX::leftParticipants.
- Convert all SBML::products to BioPAX::rightParticipants.
- If SBML::reaction::isReversible, make BioPAX::Conversion reversible as well.
- Add all reactions to the parent pathway. ToDo: make optional; define dataSource property for all Entities.
- Fix outstanding issues with the model and complete it by adding missing components.
One key thing with this conversion is that, often, external knowledge is required to decide which particular BioPAX class to create. For example, an SBML::species can be a BioPAX::Complex, Protein, SmallMolecule and etc. Or you can have SBML::reactions as BioPAX::BiochemicalReaction or BioPAX::Transport. To make these distinctions, this implementation uses SBO Terms used in Recon 2 model. The good news is that SBO terms serve as a nice reference; and the bad news is that not all SBML models have these terms/annotations associated with SBML entities.
Due to these, etc., issues, current implementation is coupled to the Recon 2 SBML Level2 v4 (with URNs) model (contains MIRIAM URNs instead of Identified.org URIs). Although it is possible to convert any other SBML model into BioPAX, the semantics might suffer depending on the annotation details in that particular model.
After checking out the repository, change your working directory to there:
$ cd reconx-to-biopax
Build - create an executable JAR file:
$ mvn clean package
You can then run the converter as follows:
$ java -jar target/reconx-to-biopax.jar
> Usage: ReconxToBiopax input.sbml output.owl
To test the application, you can download the SBML Level2 v4 (with URNs) model either from the corresponding BioModel page. Note: if you download the BioPAX L3 model from the MODEL1109130000 BioModel page, that one is quite not good for importing into Pathway Commons due to being incomplete, simplified mapping from the SBML.
The following commands, for example, convert this file into BioPAX:
$ wget https://bitbucket.org/armish/gsoc14/downloads/goal1_input_recon2.sbml.gz
$ gunzip goal1_input_recon2.sbml.gz
$ java -Xmx16g -jar target/reconx-to-biopax.jar goal1_input_recon2.sbml goal1_output_recon2.owl
For sample output, you can check goal1_output20140529.owl.gz.
The validation report for the converted model is pretty good and include
only a single type of error
due to the lack of annotations to some
entities in the SBML model. The HTML report can be accessed from the Downloads
The outstanding error with the report is related to EntityReference
instances that don't have any UnificationXref
s associated with them.
This is not an artifact of the conversion, but rather a result of the
lack of annotations in the Recon 2 model, where some of the SmallMolecule
species do not have any annotations to them, hence don't have any UnificationXref