AFKChecker is an application which will scrape codes for the game AFK arena from and track them, notifying a list of recipients via email whenever new codes are added. It sends the new code, the rewards associated, and a link to the site when a new code is found.
To make the app run it must be placed in a folder with another folder above it containing files devpass.txt with gmail login info and emaillist.txt containing a list of recipients. devpass.txt should look like:
It is recommended you use a throwaway account for this since the account will need to have less secure app access turned on.
emaillist.txt should look like:
You must have Python installed on your system with the libraries BeautifulSoup, requests, and pandas.
First, run the script to setup the proejct and create a current list of codes.
The script should then be scheduled to run however you see fit for your OS. I used the task scheduler on Windows 10 to schedule the execution of the included batch file, which executes the script. I set it to run every 6 hours.
Once these steps are completed the project will be run automatically and send email notifications if a new code is released.