This project was originally started by me (PaulWalkerUK) on Sourceforge. I have migrated it to GitHub (as much as an experiment and practice as anything).
This initial version of JCaseChanger simply takes whatever text is on the clipboard and toggles the case of each letter (lower case letters are converted to UPPER CASE and vice-versa). The result is placed back on the clipboard.
When you run the program, it toggles the case on the clipboard (as described above), then exits. There is absolutely no user interface to the program.
For ease of use, it is suggested that you create a shortcut to the application somewhere readily accessible (for example on Windows XP, it could be the Quick Launch toolbar).
A typical use-case would be if you're typing something in a text editor and realise you've left caps-lock on by accident for the last three paragraphs. Instead of retyping it all, simply copy the text to the clipboard (using standard functionality), run JCaseChanger and paste the (now correctly capitalised) text back into your editor.
To run JCaseChanger, you must have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed. To make sure you have the latest version, visit: