Veil-Evasion is a tool designed to generate metasploit payloads that bypass common anti-virus solutions.
NOTE: ./setup/setup.sh should be re-run on every major version update. If you receive any major errors on running Veil-Evasion, first try re-running this script to install any additional packages and update the common configuration file.
Veil-Evasion is currently under active support by @ChrisTruncer, @TheMightyShiv, @HarmJ0y
Thanks to: @jasonjfrank @mjmaley @davidpmcguire
##Software Requirements:
- Use Kali (x86) and all dependencies are pre-installed
- or -
- Install Python 2.7
- Install PyCrypto >= 2.3
- Python (tested with x86 - http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7/)
- Py2Exe (http://sourceforge.net/projects/py2exe/files/py2exe/0.6.9/)
- PyCrypto (http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/modules.shtml)
- PyWin32 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/Build%20218/pywin32-218.win32-py2.7.exe/download)
##Setup (tldr;)
Run ./setup.sh on Kali x86 (for Pyinstaller). Install Python 2.7, Py2Exe, PyCrypto, and PyWin32 on a Windows computer (for Py2Exe).
##Description Veil-Evasion was designed to run on Kali Linux, but should function on any system capable of executing python scripts. Simply call Veil-Evasion from the command line, and follow the menu to generate a payload. Upon creating the payload, Veil-Evasion will ask if you would like the payload file to be converted into an executable by Pyinstaller or Py2Exe.
If using Pyinstaller, Veil-Evasion will convert your payload into an executable within Kali.
If using Py2Exe, Veil-Evasion will create three files:
- payload.py - The payload file
- setup.py - Required file for Py2Exe
- runme.bat - Batch script for compiling the payload into a Windows executable
Move all three files onto your Windows machine with Python installed. All three files should be placed in the root of the directory Python was installed to (likely C:\Python27). Run the batch script to convert the Python script into an executable format.
Place the executable file on your target machine through any means necessary and don't get caught!