npm install gunfs
var GunFS = require("gunfs");//GunFS(dbRoot, FileSystemKey)
var gunfs = new GunFS(gun.get("you place the spot where files are"), "and you can have multipul sets in the spot");
gunfs.write(path, value, callback) callback(err, gunResponce)<--, callback, gunResponce) callback(err, gunResponce ? gunResponceObject : gunResponceObject.value)<--
gunfs.delete(path, callback) callback(err, true)<--
gunfs.list(callback) callback(err, [{ path, value, id, ct, mt }]);
gunfs.list(path, callback) callback(err, [{ path, value, id, ct, mt }]);
gunfs.stats(path, callback) callback(err, { path, id, ct, mt })
gunfs.exist(path, callback) callback(err,true||null)
gunfs.on("*", callback) callback(fileObject, gunResponce, gunId, gunMsg, gunEv)
gunfs.on(path, callback) callback(fileObject, gunResponce, gunId, gunMsg, gunEv)