A Tool CLI
npm i jj-cli -g
j -h (help)
j gpush <messgae> -b [branch] -d [depository]
j gpull -b [branch] -d [depository]
j gtag [tagName] -d [depository]
- For: cordova app / capacitor app
j open ios
j open android
j openpath xxxx // open your folder
- For: cordova app / capacitor app
- Before using, make sure that there is .apk/.ipa under the ios/android folder , Or set your apppath:
--apppath: xxxxx(./)
j upload android -n <appcenter release notes> -path xxxx
j upload ios -n <appcenter release notes> -path xxxx
j appcenter login
j appcentet logout
* Contains reading parameters from jj.config.json to upload
- node
- python xxx(project name)
- -pn : Set your project name
- -fp / --folderpath: Set your folder path.
j create node
j create node -fp xxxxxx
j create python xxxx(project name)
j create python xxxx -fp xxxxxx
- Help you run a local service
- j preview
- -host: default is localhost
- -port: default is 5000
- -staticFolderName: default is dist
j preview
j preview -host
j preview -port 5888
- Get the IP address of your pc/mac
j ip
- Help you sign android apk; platform: android(default)
- Please write your config file at current directory
"unsignedApk": "./app-release-unsigned.apk",
"defaultAlias": "key0",
"defaultAppcenterToken": "xxxx",
"projects": [
"name": "xxxx",
"keyStoreFile": "xxxx/bkapp.jks",
"storepass": "pwd",
"keypass": "pwd",
"alias": "key0",
"appcenter": {
"android": {
"prd": {
"userName": "xxx",
"appName": "xxxx",
"group": "xxx"
"uat": {
"userName": "xxx",
"appName": "xxxx",
"group": "xxx"
"ios": {
"prd": {
"userName": "xxx",
"appName": "xxxx",
"group": "xxx"
"uat": {
"userName": "xxx",
"appName": "xxxx",
"group": "xxx"
"pgyer": {
"apiKey": "xxx",
"userKey": "xxx",
"buildPassword": "xxxx",
"android": {
"appKey": "xxxxx",
"description": "for test"
"ios": {
"appKey": "xxxx",
"description": "for test"
j sign
j sign -pn xxx(your project, find from projects in config )
j sign -fp xxxxx(your signature configuration folder path, must have jj.config.json, jks...)
j sign -appcenter xxx(prd/uat: Specify the uat/prd you. configured in jj.config.json )
- Help you zip file or folder
j zip -output xxx.zip file file folder...