Publish files from your source directory to your sitecore site
npm install publish-projects --save
The module exports the following gulp tasks:
- publish-all-layers
- publish-project-layer
- publish-context-layer
- publish-feature-layer
- publish-foundation-layer
import in gulpfile.js
var package = require('@pentia/publish-projects')
use to publish all projects
gulp publish-all-layers
use publish-project-layer to publish only projects in the project folder
use publish-feature-layer to publish only projects in the feature folder
use publish-foundation-layer to publish only projects in the foundation folder
Note: The publishing is done using the web publish feature of visual studio
"msbuild": {
"showError": false, //controls if errors should be shown in the output
"showStandardOutput": false, //controls if the standard output of msbuild should be shown
"toolsversion": 14.0, //controls the msbuild tool version
"verbosity": "minimal" //sets the verbosity of the msbuild
"maxcpucount": 0,
"nodeReuse": true
"configs": [{
"name": "debug",
"rootFolder": "C:\\websites\\pentia.boilerplate.local",
"websiteRoot": "C:\\websites\\pentia.boilerplate.local\\Website", //where all the files are published to
"websiteDataRoot": "C:\\websites\\pentia.boilerplate.local\\Website\\Data"