This is an Expo project created with create-expo-app
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the app
npx expo start
In the output, you'll find options to open the app in a
- development build
- Android emulator
- iOS simulator
- Expo Go, a limited sandbox for trying out app development with Expo
You can start developing by editing the files inside the app directory. This project uses file-based routing.
When you're ready, run:
npm run reset-project
This command will move the starter code to the app-example directory and create a blank app directory where you can start developing.
To learn more about developing your project with Expo, look at the following resources:
- Expo documentation: Learn fundamentals, or go into advanced topics with our guides.
- Learn Expo tutorial: Follow a step-by-step tutorial where you'll create a project that runs on Android, iOS, and the web.
Join our community of developers creating universal apps.
- Expo on GitHub: View our open source platform and contribute.
- Discord community: Chat with Expo users and ask questions.
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} / module.exports = { content: ["./app/**/.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}", "./components/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}"], theme: { extend: { colors: { primary: '#215273', secondary: '#FDFDFD', bgcolor: '#55C595', btncolor: '#FFFFFF', txtcolor: '#282828', paymentbg: '#E2DFDF', bglight: '#55C59566', darkbg: '#028374', actionbtn: '#F1F2F7', inactivebtn: "#B7B7B7", }, fontFamily: { plight: ["Poppins-Light", "sans-serif"], pregular: ["Poppins-Regular", "sans-serif"], pextra: ["Poppins-ExtraLight", "sans-serif"], pmedium: ["Poppins-Medium", "sans-serif"], } }, }, plugins: [], }