task: airport
located in airport.html ( http://rockfield.github.io/pre-sep-15/airport.html )
It has been done without:
- stiky table header
- normal centered popup
Out of not having server template engine I replaced it with js template to reduce handle changes while marking up.
How to run: you need nodeJS, npm and bower.
> npm install && bower install
task: population
located in population.html ( http://rockfield.github.io/pre-sep-15/population.html )
task: web audio player
located in webaudio.html ( http://rockfield.github.io/pre-sep-15/webaudio.html )
It's unfinished due my busy, but I realized how it should be work. Actually I chose incorrect way and it should be work via AudioContext instead of simple html5 audio system. But I've lost my time to do it already.