A Julia router developed by PhoenixMachina
To install this package, run this command on your Julia console:
Yodel is a router which you can use for your Julia web projects. You just need to have an XML file that looks like this :
<route url="home" controller="Home" />
<route url="news\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+\/" controller="news" variables="article_id" />
And we'll parse it into Route Object and provide you with a bunch of method to get what you want out of it.
To start using Yodel, you need to add :
using Yodel
You first need to instanciate a YodelEngine "super" object which will define which xml file you'll be using. It has only one parameter, the absolute path to your xml file, which we usually call routes.xml .
ydl = YodelEngine("path/to/your/routes.xml"))
Well, now you actually need to write that file. Just look at the example we gave you above : each represents a route, which has a url (a regular expression), a controller, and optionally a variables argument. You can have multiple variables by doing something like :
<route url="news\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+\/" controller="news" variables="article_id,commit_version" />
Note that you need to put the variables in the same order as they appear on your URL regular expressions
You now have multiple functions to get a specific route or variable from a URL :
The first two functions return true or false depending on whether a route with a specific URL exists or not.
getRoute and getRouteWithController return a Route object which has a url::ASCIIString, a controller::ASCIIString and an array called variables.
That might seem a little abstract to you how to actually use it to run a julia web project, so check out PhoenixMachina's website implementation for more informations.