A tool to get the reference pmid and cited pmcid and cited pmid of the give PMID list.
py function name: ‘searchRefCitPMID.py’
pip install -r requirements.txt
one Example:
cd C:\Users\Username\Desktop\searchRefCitPMID
one Example:
Python searchRefCitPMID.py -i PMIDexample1.txt
Python searchRefCitPMID.py -h
Searching the reference PMID and cited PMCID,if necessary,change the cited PMCID to PMID
output filenames : reference_cited_PMID_Result.txt
PMCID-PMID converting INFO fileName : PMCID-PMID Converting Data.txt
optional arguments :
-h --help show this help message and exit
-i I inputFile directory,"csv" or "txt" types.
-coln INN column name of pmid in inputFile, default: pubmed_id
-api API APIkey, default: 3d20b15ed393b63857232da6279e8cd94708 , this API key may not be useful in the future.
-t T tool, default: my_tool
-e E email, default: [email protected]
-cv CV weather convert the cited PMCID to PMID, default: True , if don't need, set 'False'.
"pmid to reference pmid.csv"
"pmid to cited pmcid.csv"
"pmid to cited pmid.csv"
"pmcid to pmid.csv"