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Releases: Piturnah/jp-wordle-bot

Version 0.1.1

29 Mar 20:09
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  • user settings are now persisted! For now, persistence takes the form of a a simple JSON file. User settings will be deleted automatically after 3 months of no games created by that specific user
  • adjusted the stats tracking to allow us to see the results of games
  • introduced the original Wordle game/NYT word list and made it the default for en
  • smaller fixes, like formatting some files

Version 0.1.0

19 Mar 22:58
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New version with the following features:

  • Threaded mode: When enabled, the bot will create a new thread when woken up with the "!wordle" keyword, as long as the respective permissions are available. It needs to be able to create public channels and write messages in channels. The bot will automatically archive channels where the corresponding game has ended, and it's not possible to restart the game within that channel.
  • To facilitate further improvements, we added a rudimentary user data tracking mechanism. Basically, this informs us what kind of settings players are using when they start a game. Of course, a hint to this regard has been added to the lobby, and there is an option to disable the setting entirely.

Version 0.0.8

08 Mar 11:33
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  • free mode is now default
  • bot can be used in DMs (if you share a server with it and allow DMs from members of that server)
  • bot updates its status based on how many servers it is in (every hour)

Version 0.0.7

25 Feb 20:16
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  • refactoring of the CommandListener class and its dependents to make use of named match groups
  • replaced the ugly hack that was used to render the images properly aligned horizontally with an option of the library in question
  • added option (and description thereof) to set the maximum guess count
  • fixed a couple of typos

Version 0.0.6

24 Feb 19:51
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(Kinda skipped 0.0.5, was mostly just bug fixes for the attempt count..)


  • split up the timer into an inactivity timer, which always runs, and a turn timer which only runs when necessary
  • bumped up the values for both of the timers; the turn timer might become adjustable at some point, the inactivity timer should stay as it is
  • refactoring of the game.ts file, in particular:
    • moved out the actual message sending, text, formatting and such into a seperate file, unifying some logic and
    • created a uniform way to register listeners, which allows removal of redundant checks for things like the player actually being the session owner
  • added a "free" mode and commands to switch between the modes

Version 0.0.4

22 Feb 13:44
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Changes in this revision:

  • It is now possible to choose the word length(s) with !length <length> and !length <min> <max>. The latter does not actually care about the order of the two numbers.
  • The rendering mechanism was extended by an awfully ugly hack to make the text rendering more uniform. It now scales solely based on the font size, making configuration easier.
  • An !abort command was added for the owner to abort a round and return to the lobby.
  • Configuration was moved from .env to a dedicated config.json and the README.MD was adjusted. With typescript, the project will not even compile if your configuration is broken.
  • Debug mode was introduced to the configuration, and is currently used to control the log level.
  • The lobby text now contains the software's version as well, which makes progress visible to user's and allows for more precise feedback, especially if other people decide to host different versions of the bot.

Version 0.0.3

21 Feb 22:36
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Changes in this release:

  • !leave command has been expanded to also work during an ongoing game
  • after at least 3 (scales with player count) consecutive timeouts, the game is aborted and players are returned to the lobby
  • using embeds for all messages now, looks pretty fancy imo

Version 0.0.2

20 Feb 14:34
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Second deployed version of the wordle bot!

Changes include:

  • fix an issue where characters correctly guessed would show up as "wrong position" again in the same word
  • added commands to
    -- check the currently selected word listand
    -- change the word list to another one
  • added English word lists and made English the default language
  • if a user changes settings in a session that they have started, this will now be persisted for as long as the application is running. In a future update, we might persist this information even across maintenance and update cycles.

Initial Deploy

19 Feb 18:42
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remove some unnecessary debug messages, make text in generated images…