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An easy way to attach files and documents to the product (multi-languages, multi-shops).


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Prestashop Product Files

Minimum PHP Version Minimum Prestashop Version GitHub release


An easy way to attach files and documents to the product (multi-languages, multi-shops).

  • Add files to the product in the admin. Multi-shops and multi-languages compatible.
  • Display files on the frontend with a widget.

Product files in admin

Frontedn widget files display


  • Prestashop >=
  • PHP >= 7.4.0


Download the file from the last release assets.


Go to the admin module catalog section and click Upload a module. Select the downloaded zip file.


Move the downloaded file in the Prestashop modules directory and unzip the archive. Go to the admin module catalog section and search for "File".



On the product page in admin, select "Modules", then "Configure" for the "Product Files" module.

Product files

Click "Add a file" to attach a file to the product.

When the shop is multi-shops or multi-languages, the file will be assigned to the current shop in the current language, except if the "Available in all shops/languages" option is checked.

Product files

The title and description fields are localizable.


In the product page template, add the following Widget:

{widget name='pixel_product_files'}

Widget options:

  • id_product: Force the display for the given product id
  • id_shop: Force the display for the given shop id
  • id_lang: Force the display for the given language id
  • template: Custom template path
  • icons_path: Custom icon images base URL


{widget name='pixel_product_files' id_product='1' id_lang='1' id_shop='1' template='module:pixel_product_files/product-files.tpl' icons_path="`$urls.base_url`img/file-icons/"}

With product-files.tpl in themes/{themeName}/modules/pixel_product_files/product-files.tpl directory.


In a custom template, browse the files as follows:

{foreach from=$files item=file}
    {assign var="extension" value=$file->getFile()|pathinfo:$smarty.const.PATHINFO_EXTENSION}

    File URL: {$}{$file->getFile()}
    Icon: {$path.icons}{$icons[$extension]}
    Title: {$file->getTitle()}
    Description: {$file->getDescription()}


Frontend file icons are divided into several categories:

Category Icon File extensions
Document document.png pdf, odt, doc, opt, docx, rtf
Table table.png csv, ods, xls, xlsx
Presentation presentation.png pptx, pptm, ppt, odp
Image image.png png, gif, svg, webp, jpeg, jpg, bmp, avif, apng, ico, tiff
Video video.png avi, mp4, m4v
Audio audio.png mp3, ogg, flac, wav, m4a, wma, aac
Archive archive.png zip, rar, gz, tar, bz2, xz, 7z

Other files extension are not allowed.

Set you own icon files with the icons_path option:

{widget name='pixel_product_files' icons_path="`$urls.base_url`img/file-icons/"}

Then add icons in the img/file-icons directory:

  • /img/file-icons/document.png
  • /img/file-icons/table.png
  • /img/file-icons/presentation.png
  • ...

In the template, display the icon as follows:

{foreach from=$files item=file}
    {assign var="extension" value=$file->getFile()|pathinfo:$smarty.const.PATHINFO_EXTENSION}
    {if isset($icons[$extension])}
        <img src="{$path.icons}{$icons[$extension]}" alt="{$file->getTitle()}" />