The custom ESP32-based board to read the data from the smart electricity meters via the P1 port.
ESP32-WROOM-32D Processor Datasheet
ESP32 Devkit V4
- Unzip the DSMR data file
res/data from XS210 smart
- Execute the commands to feed the DSMR data to the board:
mode COM4 BAUD=115200 PARITY=n DATA=8
copy "data from XS210 smart meter.txt" /B COM4 /B
- Use P1Port to USB converter
- Execute the commands:
mode COM4 BAUD=115200 PARITY=n DATA=8
copy COM4 /B "data from XS210 smart meter.txt" /B
Run the scripts from PowerShell:
scripts/UploadMicropythonFwToBoard.ps1 -comPort COM3
scripts/UploadSourceCode_RestartBoard_OpenRepl.ps1 -comPort COM3 -ssid wifi_name -pass wifi_password