Picodebug -- a tool for debugging and logging in MicroPython scripts on Raspberry Pico and Raspberry Pico W
Works without REPL
Works in main.py
Automatic rotation of logs
Using 8 log files of 100KB each, then automatically rotate: log1.txt, log2.txt, log3.txt, log4.txt, log5.txt, log6.txt, log7.txt, log8.txt
All debug messages are stored, not rewrited
Every log message is timestamped
Output to log files and to console
Just use
picodebug.logPrint("some log message")
in your code -
Using with output to log file
import picodebug
picodebug.logPrint("some log message")
- Using with output to log file and console
import picodebug
picodebug.logPrint("some log message", True)
- Using output to console only
import picodebug
picodebug.logPrint("some log message", True, False)
- Using with led for Pico W
board_led = machine.Pin("LED", machine.Pin.OUT)
picodebug.logPrint("some point", led = board_led, numberOfBlinks=2)