An educational game created with the help of swing and awt frameworks to teach the users how the sorting algorithms work in the world of the computers. The application will visualize the process of sorting to the user and helps them utilize their knowledge of sorting algorithms to play various games one the application. The user has to play the games and earn points to be able to unlock different sorting algorithms.
The sorting algorithms include:
- Bubble Sort
- Gnome Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Radix Sort
- Shell Sort
- Selection Sort
Follow the below steps before running the program:
- Run the program through the "Main" class.
- If you wish to modify the classes and they are locked, in Intellij IDE, go to File/File Properties/Make File Writable.
- The Javadocs were written in HTML. I would recommend rendering them before reading (If not rendered beforehand).
- If you wish to test the application, use the "USERNAME: admin" and "PASSWORD: 1382" to login. This gives you full access to the features of the application.