A responsive portfolio made from scratch.
Here is the link: Portfolio.
- Developed a professional-quality web portfolio.
- Desgined the website from scratch.
- Built HTML structure.
- Added CSS style.
- Added a lightbox with carousel.
- Added Responsive for screens less than 768px.
- Added JavaScript Interactivity.
- Added favicon.
- Valdited On W3 Validator.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- jQuery
It's fully validate no errors and warnings are there.
- Navigation menu with hovering effect and highlighting the current page.
- Lightbox with the carousel in the project page available for sketches.
- For lightbox javascript and jquery are used.
- Hovering effect for the calligraphy with some javascript tricks.
- All pages are well styled and assembled.
- Font awesome is used to create social media links in the contact page.
- Hamburger menu with CSS tricks of transition and animation.
- Hovering in the calligraphy section is not available for this view.
- All pages are well-styled, specifically to enhance the mobile view.
- Lightbox
- Carousel
- JavaScript
- Font Awesome
- Hamburger menu