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User Config Reference

mcoms edited this page Aug 10, 2024 · 2 revisions

This is a reference for the user configuration file, .user-sync by default in the root project directory, or .ci-sync for automated build machines.


.user-sync is a user-specific file that each user can create and should be ignored by Git. Some of these options, like download_dir and symbols, are controlled by PBSync with a guided process when downloading a custom engine. A sample config file:

symbols = true
download_dir = C:\ue
source_dir = C:\src\ue

autosync = true
binaries = off
launch = none

.ci-sync is a global file that can define how options are defined in environment variables for CI. See example.

You can change the path of this file using PBSync.xml in the project/userconfig and project/ciconfig keys.




Default: on

  • on: downloads binaries if current branch is expected_branch_name
  • off: never downloads binaries
  • build: like off, but also generates SLN and builds binaries every sync
  • force: always downloads binaries


Default: editor

What program to launch after syncing.

  • editor: launches the Unreal Editor (if it is not open with the project already)
  • vs: launches the SLN after syncing
  • rider: launches the SLN in Rider IDE
  • debug (not functional): launches the Unreal Editor with VS debugger
  • none: don't launch anything


If set, and launch is set to editor, then launch the Unreal Editor with the specified arguments, space separated.


Default: uev_default_bundle

The name of the engine bundle to download from cloud storage. If the bundle name contains "engine", game packaging support is required, while other bundles can be editor only.


Default: true

If the project repo should be synced even when the current branch is not expected_branch_name. Note: this is forced on if project.binaries is set to force.


Default: latest

If latest, download binaries for the project version in DefaultGame.ini. Otherwise, download binaries for the specified release tag.



Default: true

Clean old engine installations after installing a new engine.


Default: none

The path to download and install the engine to. If not set, will ask to set upon engine download. If set to the location of a Git repo, PBSync will manage the engine as "source" mode, as treat the Git repo as the location of the UnrealEngine source repo.


Default: none

The path to use as an engine source directory. This directory will be used as the download_dir in all cases except when explicitly using the --build source command, which will use the download_dir engine for editor binaries distribution.


Default: none

Whether to download engine symbols. If not set, will ask to set upon engine download.



Default: git

The path to the git command


Default: git-lfs

The path to the git-lfs command



Default: none

The Discord app ID to publish to


Default: none

The Discord app branch ID to publish, keyed by the argument of --publish. Default key is internal_bid.