Last updated: Nov 11, 2008 ~Keripo
All code/scripts written by Keripo are licensed under GNU GPL - see License.txt. For the licensing of the software/application, refer to the license that comes with the original/ported software.
Overview: Loader2 & iPodPatcher / SansaPatcher
- This is the main bootloader for iPodLinux. It is capable of loading both the iPodLinux kernel and the original Apple OS as well as Rockbox. It is installed via Rockbox's ipodpatcher tool.
- Loader2 can be configured and customized. See the "loader.cfg" file.
- Rockbox can also be installed by extracting the latest Rockbox build directly to the iPod and editing the "loader.cfg" file.
- SansaLinux version uses pre-built sansapatcher files that are patched to load SansaLinux. The files currently used are from the original SansaLinux release. Much of the below information does not apply. For more information, see:
- Since Loader2 is a bootloader written from scratch, it has its own special syntax.
- For proper usage of Loader2 and its various options/syntax, see the provided "loader.cfg" file as well as the iPodLinux wiki page:
- The iPodLinux kernel accepts most standard kernel arguments; see "/docs/kernel/Original/kernel-parameters.txt"
- Loader2 has also been patched to play a boot tune on startup. The default boot tune should be familiar to Final Fantasy gamers ; )
Loader 2:
- Authors: iPL Core Devs
- Source: SVN
- Link:
- Date: Oct 31, 2008
- Version: Revision 2445
ZS Version:
- Modder: Keripo
- Type: Mod and Recompile
- Date: Nov 11, 2008
- Version: B X.X
- Authors: Rockbox Devs
- Source: SVN
- Link: svn://
- Date: Oct 10, 2008
- Version: Revision 18763
- Authors: Rockbox Devs, Sebastian Duell
- Source: SansaLinux website
- Link:
- Date: Mar 28, 2008
- Version: ???
- added patch to fix ipodpatcher error levels Rockbox's Flyspray task #8827:
- added easy "patch" scripts for Windows and Linux (untested on Macs and 64-bit Linux)
- added pre-compiled ipodpatcher binaries for Windows (compiled by Keripo), 32-bit Linux (compiled by Keripo), 64-bit Linux (Rockbox wiki) and Mac OS X (compiled by Matthew Croop)
To do:
- find someone to help recompile ipodpatcher on 64-bit Linux
- searcher
- sub-menu support (look at iBoot Advanced / iLoadz)
Changelog: [keep untouched till beta release]