considers event-related potentials (ERPs) data analysis in a
standard linear model setting and implements a set of functions in R to
facilitate visual exploration of data and display of statistical testing
These R functions are based on ggplot2 package
to enable step-by-step revisions of graphic objects. We also adopts
significant testing procedure provided by ERP package
Beyond rendering conditioning plots of ERPs on the scalp map, with these
functions in ggerp
users can create animation for displaying
significant effects across electrode locations over time by using
gganimate package
The ggerp
can be installed using
Packages Preparation
The following R command lines illustrate the exploration of ERP data
using advanced graphical tool ggerp
available in R.
Load (and install) packages.
pacman::p_load(ERP, mnormt, fdrtool, tidyverse, gridExtra, crayon,
boot, reshape2, ggthemes, devtools)
Install ImageMagick
within R. Please check all boxes.
Install and load gganimate
and animation
from github.
Load ggerp
Data Preparation We demonstrate the graphical capabilities of
with these real data set DirectedForgetting
. Download data
from this
or directly use the build-in one. It contains variables named
and TBF_score
(continuous), Condition
(categorical), and
one variable per time point (ERP values, i.e, T_1200
). The scope of
possible linear modeling designs is therefore quite large. The command
lines shall be marginally adpated to your own ERP dataset. Note that
, which is a with-subject variable, could also be changed to
a between subject variable Group
in your own dataset.
# dta <- read.csv("DirectedForgetting.csv")
dta <- DirectedForgetting
The sequence of time points is generated, called time_pt
time_pt <- seq(-200, 1000, 1)
Specify channels in the data file erpR_coord
according to their scalp
erpR_coord <- rbind(c(NA, "FP1", NA, "FP2", NA),
c("F7", "F3", "FZ", "F4", "F8"),
c("FT7", "FC3", "FCZ", "FC4", "FT8"),
c("T7", "C3", "CZ", "C4", "T8"),
c("TP7", "CP3", "CPZ", "CP4", "TP8"),
c("P7", "P3", "PZ", "P4", "P8"),
c(NA, "O1", "OZ", "O2", NA))
Average ERP curves for conditions on the 10/10 system
Fig01 <- plot_tete(data = dta,
frames = time_pt,
channel = 5,
subject = 1,
uV = 6:1206,
test = 4,
mode = "mean",
scalp = TRUE,
curve.col = c("chartreuse4","firebrick"),
coord.mat = erpR_coord,
ylim = c(-5, 10))
Individual ERP curves by condition from four channels.
First, restrict the data to four channels
dta_c <- filter(dta,Channel %in% c("FZ", "FCZ", "CZ", "PZ")) %>%
Then, create the plot.
Fig02 <- plot_tete(data = dta_c,
frames = time_pt,
channel = 5,
subject = 1,
uV = 6:1206,
test = 4,
mode = "raw",
ylim = c(-25, 25))
Confidence intervals for mean ERP curves on CZ.
First restrict the data to channel CZ.
dta_c <- filter(dta, Channel == "CZ" ) %>%
Seed random number generator for replication
Then, create the plot in two stages.
Fig03 <- plot_tete(data = dta_c,
frames = time_pt,
channel = 5,
subject = 1,
uV = 6:1206,
test = 4,
mode = "bootci",
ylim = c(-7, 10))+
theme(legend.position = c(.9, .9))
Results of significant testing comparing conditions for three channels
First restrict the data to three channels.
dta_c <- dta %>%
filter(Channel %in% c("FZ","CZ","PZ")) %>%
Then, create the plot.
Fig04 <- plot_fa(data = dta_c,
frames = time_pt,
channel = 5,
subject = 1,
uV = 6:1206,
test = 4,
mode = "test_signal",
design = (~Subject + Condition),
design0 = (~Subject),
nbf = 5,
ylim = c(-6, 7.5))
Significant changes across channels over time on the scalp
First, save test results.
test_res <- plot_fa(data = dta,
frames = time_pt,
channel = 5,
subject = 1,
uV = 6:1206,
test = 4,
mode = "test_signal",
design = (~Subject + Condition),
design0 = (~Subject),
nbf = 5,
ylim = c(-6, 13))
Then, create GIF file for animation. The example Gif file could be download on this website.
Fig05 <- plot_coord(tests_rst = test_res$Test_Rst,
frames = time_pt,
show = seq(200, 500, by = 1),
loop = 1,
interval = 0.1,
filename = "Fig05.gif")
Associations between ERPs and a numerical covariate
First restrict the data to three channels.
dta_c <- dta %>%
filter(Condition == "TBF", Channel %in% c("FZ","CZ","PZ")) %>%
Produce each plot respectively.
Fig06a <- plot_tete(data = dta_c,
frames = time_pt,
channel = 5,
subject = 1,
uV = 6:1206,
test = 3,
mode = "raw",
ylim = c(-25, 28))
Fig06a <- Fig06a +
theme(legend.position = "top", = "horizontal")
Fig06b <- plot_tete(data = dta_c,
frames = time_pt,
channel = 5,
subject = 1,
uV = 6:1206,
test = 3,
mode = "bootci",
ylim = c(-1, 1),
labs = list(y = "Correlation", x = "Time (ms)"))
Fig06c <- plot_fa(data = dta_c,
frames = time_pt,
channel = 5,
subject = 1,
uV = 6:1206,
test = 3,
mode = "test",
design = (~TBF_score),
nbf = 5,
ylim=c(-1, 1),
labs = list(y = "Correlation", x = "Time (ms)"))
Combine the plots to a final figure.
grid.arrange(Fig06a +
ggtitle("A") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0)),
Fig06b +
ggtitle("B") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0)),
Fig06c$Plot +
ggtitle("C") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0)))