The documents part in the codegen file is very important. If you just use a schema and bundle all queries and mutations under one query or mutation type, the codegen does not work.
type Query {
user(id: ID!): User
users: [User]
The above Query would result in only one export function graphql
in /src/gql/gql.ts. Therefore you need to create a separate file for each query, mutation, etc. in the documents folder.
The fragment-masking.ts, gql.ts, graphql.ts and index.ts files inside /src/gql are all generated by codegen-client.ts.
The Wrapper.tsx is necessary because the <Provider>
needs to be inside a client component. So I'm wrapping the entire body in layout.tsx with this wrapper component.
The types fot the server are solely based on the schema.graphql file and generated by codegen-server.ts.
The resulting file is in /src/generated/graphql.ts.
user(id: "1"){
address {
mutation {
updateAge(input: {id: "2", age: 18}){