Container for ease of deployment of PulseTile, - for Ripple related projects
sudo docker run -it --name nginx_conainer --rm --net qewd-net -v ~/qewd-courier/nginx/html:/usr/share/nginx/html -v ~/qewd-courier/nginx/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 nginx
Note: replace -it with -d to run it as a background daemon process.
Optional step for helping with configurations
How it works now :
- We start script file (
- We typing domain name for project (e.g. and press enter)
- Third step we choose frontend project (Helm-ReactJS or Showcase-ReactJS, etc)
Script will change helm/configuration/global_config.json, oidc_provider/settings/configuration.json and will change nginx configs, if you are using QEWD as backend.
Also script will change path to UI files in nginx configuration