PulseTile-ReactAdmin is a client side part of PulseTile application, based on React-Admin framework. This framework was designed by French company Marmelab. For this moment Marmelab works on development and improvement of React-Admin framework.
Possibilities and features of React-Admin framework are described in this manual: https://marmelab.com/react-admin
This framework gives possibility to solve a lot of programming issues by using its basis functionality. Besides this, React-Admin gives possibility to customize and expand basis functionality if it is necessary.
The initial point of the project is /index.js
file, which renders /core/App.js
file. The last one unites all required parts of application.
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { Admin, Resource } from "react-admin";
const App = () => {
return (
customReducers={{custom: customReducers}}
plugins.map(item => {
return (
options={{ label: item.label }}
export default App;
The file /core/App.js
is used to define the most important parts of project. These parts are defined as attributes of the main component <Admin />
authProvider is used to provide following actions:
- user login to application;
- saving information about user (user ID, user name and role) in the browser local storage;
- user sign out from application.
dataProvider is used to provide typical request to the server side and server response handling:
- to get list of data;
- to get information about one list item;
- to create new item;
- to update information about item;
- to delete item (it is possible in React-Admin, but it isn't used in PulseTile-ReactAdmin project).
customSagas and customReducers are used to provide non-typical request to the server side and server response handling. It means, that all requests, which can't be done by basis React-Admin functionality, should be realized by custom Sagas.
customRoutes is used to add custom pages to the application. The main content of any React-Admin application is a list of CRUD pages. These pages are created automatically by React-Admin functionality. If we want to add non-typical pages, we should create custom routes for them.
dashboard defines component renders Home page of application (the page where user should be redirected after login).
appLayout defines custom Layout of user interface. If this parameter is empty application will use default React-Admin layout.
loginPage defines component renders the page where user passes when comes to application.
locale and i18nProvider are used to provide translation.
More information about additional possibilities of this component is presented there: https://marmelab.com/react-admin/Admin.html
React-Admin framework doesn't need in strict compliance to the project structure. Structure of current project is described below:
The public/
directory is used to locate fonts, main images, favicon and index.html file.
The src/
directory include two main directories:
for main functionality of application (common for all application versions);version/
for additional functionality, which can be differ in the different project version.
The appointment of other directories in the core/
is a storage of actions used for custom operations with reducers and sagas;common/
is used to locate common parts of UI (templates, buttons, toolbars etc.);config/
is used to locate information for configuration (list of plugins, style settings etc.);dataProvider/
is a storage of data providers;images/
is a storage of images which are used as a separate components of React;pages/
is a directory for additional pages (not for CRUDs);plugins/
is a storage of CRUDs;reducers/
is a storage of custom reducers;sagas/
is a storage of custom sagas;
The version/
directory has similar structure.
Before installing the Generator, you will need the following:
Node.js 9 or higher
npm 3 or higher (which comes bundled with Node)
You can check current versions by:
$ node --version
$ npm --version
$ git --version
If you want to install this project at your local machine, it is necessary to do following:
Clone this repository from GitHub:
$ git clone https://github.com/PulseTile/PulseTile-RA
Install all required dependencies from package.json:
$ cd /MyWorkDirectory
$ npm install
If you want to run the project at your local machine, you should run the command:
$ npm start
If you want to create build, you should run the command:
$ npm run build