Uses OpenAI's GPT-3 language engine to translate pupspeak into human readable language.
Create a serverless Telegram Bot with database to keep track of users using Netlify Functions and FaunaDB
- Getting Telegram Bot token and FaunaDB key
- Deploy to Netlify
- Hooking up the Bot
On Telegram, create a new Telegram bot by talking to @botfather and thereafter getting the token for the Telegram Bot.
On FaunaDb site, create a collection with the name user
(optionally, generate an index for the collection and specifying the term for the userId to be unique). Head to the security section and generate a FaunaDB key for the collection.
Deploy to Netlify either by linking to this repository manually or by clicking the "Deploy to netlify" above.
Remember to fill in the environment variables on netlify - TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN
with the token and the secret key obtained respectively
Therafter, you need to specify and tell telegram where your bot should direct the messages it received to. Do so by simply visiting this url (without the {
, }
If it is setup correctly it should reponse back with
"ok": true,
"result": true,
"description": "Webhook was set"
Afterwhich, YOU ARE DONE!🎉🎉
Try typing /start
to your bot and watch as the user ID of the Telegram user is stored inside your FaunaDB database
This bot uses telegraf.js for its Telegram Bot functionality. Head to its website to find out how to extend the functionality of the bot you have created :)