- Download the latest release
- Zip Package:
- Unzip the .zip folder
- Execute the .exe file
- Installer:
- Execute the .exe installer
- Follow the installation steps
- Start the downloader
Paste a video or playlist url into the entry
Wait until the downloader has loaded the information
- Select the output format (mp3, mp4)
- Choose the resolution if you want to download mp4
- Select the output folder, this is by default the /Download folder
- Press Download and wait until you see the button again, then you can download more videos or another format
- Choose which range of the playlist should be downloaded
- Click on next
- Select the output format (mp3, mp4)
- Select the output folder, this is by default the /Download folder
- Press Download and wait until you see the button again, then you can download more videos or another format
- Enter the search term you want to search for
- Wait until the results are displayed
- With left click you can open a video in the download page
- With right click you can see the uploader and title of the video
- Change FFmpeg Path: Set the path to your local ffmpeg location
- Download FFmpeg: Automatically downloads and installs the latest FFmpeg version (Warning: Overwrites FFmpeg location)
- Update yt-dlp: Automatically downloads and installs the latest yt-dlp version
- Search For Updates: Searches for a new version of PyFlat Youtube Downloader and shows a link if a new version is available
- Check for Updates: If this is checked the downloader automatically searches for updates
The download speed depends on the internet connection and the length and quality of the video!