Convert the MCX functions to gates (#4082 )
Deprecate some unneeded methods of QuantumState (#4075 )
Cleanup quantum_info.random (#4058 )
generalize dag.compose_back(), deprecate dag.extend_back() (#3772 )
Add measure probability functions to QuantumState classes (#3952 )
Command/Inst refactor: FrameChange -> ShiftPhase (#3893 )
Improves OneQubitEulerDecomposer
class and add RR
basis decomposition. (#3703 )
Simplify BaseOperator abstract class (#3875 )
Defaults in TranspileConfig (now called PassManagerConfig) (#3035 )
Add SparsePauliOp
operator class (#3932 )
add circuit.num_nonlocal_gates (#4101 )
Optimized clifford synthesis for up to 3 qubits (#4098 )
QuantumVolume and FourierChecking in circuit library (#4102 )
add a name attribute to CouplingMap (#4103 )
Add diamond norm function for quantum channels (#4050 )
Add random Clifford and pauli table functions (#4062 )
Log time for execute steps (#3922 )
Cleanup quantum_info.random (#4058 )
Add Clifford
operator class (#3938 )
Add measure and reset methods to QuantumState classes (#4041 )
Add env variable and user config option to suppress packaging warnings (#3362 )
Rename sample_measure to sample_counts and sample_memory (#4056 )
Update Statevector and DensityMatrix evolve to work with operator qargs attr (#3983 )
Jupyter widget for circuit library (#3861 )
Add sample_measure
to Statevector
and DensityMatrix
(#3987 )
Add measure probability functions to QuantumState classes (#3952 )
Add StabilizerTable
class (#3931 )
add iswap and dcx gates (#3992 )
Add PauliTable
symplectic operator class (#3889 )
Add num_qubits
attribute to QuantumState
and BaseOperator
(#3986 )
Allow generic callable to be inserted in CmdDef (#3385 )
Text drawer support for open controlled gates (#3867 )
Add library of gates with their equivalent circuit implementations. (#3946 )
Add ability to add operators on subsystems. (#3888 )
Implement the RYY gate (#3912 )
Add BaseJob status methods (#3723 )
Add ScalarOp
to quantum_info.operators
(#3887 )
Revert "Add ScalarOp
to quantum_info.operators
(#3887 )"
Add ScalarOp
to quantum_info.operators
(#3887 )
Add qargs
property, __call__
, method to set qargs to BaseOperators (#3873 )
Add support for to FakeBackend (#3890 )
Add wait_for_final_state() to BaseJob (#3731 )
start of a circuit library (#3841 )
Support Scheduler in execute pipeline (#3792 )
Upgrading bind_parameters: allow in place and mixed floats + parameters (#4037 )
Optional parameter basis_gates in Optimize1qGates (#4019 )
Remove marshmallow from RunConfig (#4096 )
Support for circuit.draw(initial_state=False) (#4068 )
Implement multi-controlled U1 as gate (#3883 )
Transpiler should raise when conflicting parameters, not just ignore them silently (#4060 )
layout_method and routing_method selectors in transpile() (#3999 )
Clean up default class atol and rtol for operators and states (#3989 )
Command/Inst refactor: Pulses and Play (#3936 )
set depth/width for LookaheadSwap pass (#3996 )
Populate equivalence library with existing gate definitions. (#3979 )
Command/Inst refactor: Acquire (and Kernel, Discriminator) (#3935 )
Fix preset pass managers to not always decompose Swaps (#3963 )
fix issue 3733 making result.get_counts() return also a list of dicts (#3751 )
Command/Inst refactor: FrameChange -> ShiftPhase (#3893 )
Command/Inst refactor: Snapshot (#3933 )
Allow list params in Instruction (#3955 )
Transition DAGCircuit to retworkx (#3916 )
Command/Inst refactor: Delay (#3924 )
Remove marshmallow from Qobj (#3383 )
Switch DAGCircuit wires property to a set instead of a list (#3934 )
Use CSPLayout in Level 2 and Level 3 (#3391 )
Command/Instruction unification (#3862 )
Improves OneQubitEulerDecomposer
class and add RR
basis decomposition. (#3703 )
Simplify BaseOperator abstract class (#3875 )
remove identity insertion in gate decomposition (#3879 )
Docathon: and remove deprecated buffer arg (#3836 )
Defaults in TranspileConfig (now called PassManagerConfig) (#3035 )
Remove deprecated code! :) (#4005 )
Remove warnings about dt, dtm, and rep_time units changing (#3981 )
Remove previously deprecated instruction parameter types (#3948 )
Add LookaheadSwap condition to prevent hangs (#4112 )
Optimize1qGates should allow rounding when calculating theta (#4015 )
BarrierBeforeFinalMeasurements pass to insert device-wide barrier. (#4054 )
Bugfix: Instruction name / pulse library name mismatch (#4051 )
Each thread needs its own passmanager (#4003 )
Update dt and dtm for FakeAlmaden: it had 'dt' and 'dtm' in units of seconds, but the spec has them in units of ns. (#3991 )
Fix pulse drawer bug for plot range (#3954 )
Fix schedule assember bug (#3900 )
Instruction.copy to deepcopy self._definition if it is set. (#3874 )
Creates dag op for a call of QASM custom gate (#3393 )
Fix substitute parameters when decomposing composite gates (#3914 )
Fixed issue #3806 by checking if QuantumCircuit args can be cast to int (#3869 )
Fix circuit extending with self (#3843 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.