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Pablo Le Hénaff edited this page Mar 15, 2023 · 2 revisions

Running the simulator from Python

Python API

The most straightforward way to execute a cQasm file is using the qxelarator.execute_string method:

>>> import qxelarator
>>> r = qxelarator.execute_string("version 1.0;qubits 2;h q[0]")
>>> r
Shots requested: 1
Shots done: 1
Results: {'00': 1}
State: {'00': (0.7071067811865475+0j), '01': (0.7071067811865475+0j)}

The return value is a qxelarator.SimulationResult object and offers access to aggregated measurement register results and final quantum state:

>>> isinstance(r, qxelarator.SimulationResult)
>>> r.results
{'00': 1}
>>> r.state["00"]

You can also execute a cQasm file:

>>> qxelarator.execute_file("bell_pair.qc")
Shots requested: 1
Shots done: 1
Results: {'11': 1}
State: {'11': (1+0j)}

In case the parsing/analysis of the cqasm string or file fails, you end up with a qxelarator.SimulationError object:

>>> r = qxelarator.execute_string("version 1.0;qubits 2;h q[0")
<unknown>:1:27: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting ',' or ']'
Failed to parse <unknown>
Cannot parse and analyze string version 1.0;qubits 2;h q[0
>>> r
Quantum simulation failed: Simulation failed!
>>> isinstance(r, qxelarator.SimulationError)

To simulate a quantum circuit multiple times, pass an integer number of iterations to e.g. execute_file:

>>> qxelarator.execute_file("bell_pair.qc", iterations = 10)
Shots requested: 10
Shots done: 10
Results: {'00': 3, '11': 7}
State: {'11': (1+0j)}

To make sense of the output of QX-simulator, please visit :ref:Output

Alternatively, you can use the "old" API by creating a qxelarator.QX instance:

import qxelarator

qx = qxelarator.QX()

Then, load and execute a number of times the cQasm file (e.g. bell_pair.qc):

qx.set('bell_pair.qc')                    # Alternatively: qx.set_string('version 1.0;qubits 1;x q[0]')
json_string = qx.execute(3)

Using a constant seed for random number generation

By default QX-simulator will generate different random numbers for different executions of a given circuit. This means that measure, prep_z and error models will make simulation results non-deterministic.

In some cases this is not desired. To make the output of the simulator deterministic over different runs, you can pass a constant seed parameter:

qxelarator.execute_string("version 1.0;qubits 2;h q[0];measure_all", iterations=1000, seed=123)

JSON output

The "old" API provides a function to set a file to output JSON:


After another execute(1000) call, that JSON output will look like this:

> cat simulation_result.json 
    "info": {
        "shots requested": 1000,
        "shots_done": 1000
    "results": {
        "000": 516,
        "001": 241,
        "011": 243
    "state": {
        "001": {
            "real": 1.00000000,
            "imag": 0.00000000,
            "norm": 1.00000000

Note: The json string json_string obtained as output of json_string = qx.execute(n) is equal to the content of this file.

Running the binary built from source

The following will result in the same runs using the executable binary instead of the Python package:

./qx-simulator -c 1000 -j simulation_result.json ../tests/circuits/bell_pair.qc