A project I made for monitoring Proxmox system usage!
- Raspberry Pi Pico 2W (Pico W might be fine, haven't tested)
- 64x32 LED Matrix
- Power supply
- Hub75 Hat (This may not be strictly necessary. I had it on hand since I was previously using a Rpi 4 to drive the display. Obviously it's not compatible with the Pico so I am using some jumper cables to connect to the pinholes.)
- Custom laser-cut plywood box. I don't have the model for this anymore. I made it from scratch a while ago, but since then I discovered this website which might be a good resource for this.
- Flash your Pico W (or 2W) with the latest Pimoroni MicroPython fork (I am currently running pico-v1.23.0-1-pimoroni-micropython.uf2). This includes the hub75 module needed for driving the display.
- Then connect via USB and open your favorite editor, like Thonny, and send the 3 Python files over.
- Modify main.py to include your WIFI SSID and password.
- Modify get_proxmox_data.py to include your Proxmox instance's IP address and API token.
- All set!
Open an issue here, and I will try to respond. I made this for fun, feel free to edit it.