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Demo Server

CheariX edited this page Jul 15, 2016 · 2 revisions

We provide a running Demo Server of PrOfESSOS.

Using the Demo Server with our Demo Client

We additionally provide a running OpenID Connect Client that can be tested with PrOfESSOS. You can run the sample in three simple steps (stages):

  1. You press the Load Demo Config button. This enters the client configuration necessary to verify the implementation. See Web Configuration for a more detailed description.
  2. Press the learn button in Stage 2. This simulates a login process on the Client without performing any attacks. If everything is configured correctly (=the login works flawlessly), you can go to Stage 3.
  3. Press the run all tests button. This will run all Supported Attacks.

Using the Demo Server with your own Client

If you want to use you own OpenID Connect Client with PrOfESSOS, you have to follow the Safeguard instructions.