This application is a twitch bot designed to totally run locally on your device, thus not needing any external party to connect and analyze your data. If there is a data breach, YOU are the data breach.
This is the postdecessor of the CatzBot, which you can also find on my Github. The reasons why this bot is better is:
- Better GUI capabilities
- It uses the new XAML instead of old WinForms
- It is scalable on any window size with rescaling its elements
- It is more efficient
- It has dark mode (very important)
- Looks more modern (very cool)
- Faster
- Easier to use
- Runs on the modern Twitch API Version
Install this project via the releases on the side. I did not test the .exe installer, but the .zip file should work.
In case the app does not open, install the .NET 8.0 from Microsoft. (You trust Microsoft, don't you?)
Generally, .NET 8.0 should be preinstalled on the vast majority of Windows Systems.
To set up the application, head over to the "Connection" Window and fill in all the credentials needed for the bot to work. There are buttons nearby, which will lead you to the necessary adresses.