Foodworld 1.2 is the newsest version. The source code was made using the Eclipse IDE by the Eclipse Foundation, and the Java Discord API by DV8FromTheWorld.
The .settings folders and .project folders are made to work with Eclipse becuase that is the IDE used.
People can use the -clear command to clear messages in the past.
The syntax is -clear <x>
where x is the number of messages to clear.
People with roles Owner
and Mod
(case sensitive) can use the -mute command.
The syntax is -mute <mention>
where mention is an @mention of the user to mute.
The filter in
contains the words to censor.
The string array private String[] cuss_words = {};
is the list.
Add the words you want to filter out here.
, where it says private static String token = "Classified";
, insert your bot token in the string where it says Classified
Learn more about getting your own Discord bot token here.
contains the string array private String[] cuss_words = {};
. Add the words you want to filter out here.
there is the String String msgtxt = "msg";
. Add your own message here.
I used + "\n"
after each line to make a new line and ▫
as a bullet point.