- git :
sudo apt-get install git
- VS Code : https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/linux
- node : https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#debian-and-ubuntu-based-linux-distributions
- Version Control Systems
- Basic Commands
git init
git status
git add
git commit
git log
git clone
git checkout
- JS introduction
- Lets guess,
- java != javascript
- element = document.getElementById(id);
- 3 && 5, 3 || 5
- p = () => { return "Hello World";}
- q = (() =>{ return "Hello World";})();
- Node History
- Node Repl
- npm
- Lets findout your mac address: https://www.npmjs.com/package/get-mac-address
- TDD in practice
- Clone: https://github.com/shivambarsaley/node-starting-point.git and switch to master.
- Try writing subtract operation with TDD
- Got it right ? Carry on with multiplication and division
- Switch to calculator-model branch.
- web servers
- Hello Express!
- Switch to Calculator_Express_Setup branch
- Try writing subtract operation API with Express
- Got it right ? Can you try making a POST request for multiplication and division
- Switch to Solution_With_Express branch
- Discuss solution
- REST verbs?
- Node Ecosystem
- Task Runners
- Gulp
- Grunt
- Task Runners
- Test Runners
- Karma
- Mocha
- Assertion Library
- chai
- Node Version Manager
- nvm
- Database
- mongoose - mongo
- mysql - mysql
- Other Popular Web Frameworks
- Sails
- Koa
- Meteor
- Interesting One's
- http://askubuntu.com/questions/743814/unable-to-find-expected-entry-main-binary-i386-packages-chrome