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Adding a dynamic sidebar in a layout

Michel Blanc edited this page Feb 11, 2014 · 5 revisions

Sometimes you need to render a dynamic sidebar in your layout. The best way to achieve this is probably writing a Helper. By using a helper, your layouts will stay clean, won't be cluttered with too much code and will be easier to maintain.

module Ramaze
  module Helper
    module SideBar

      def generate(current=nil)
        # Generate some HTML that will make the side bar
        sidebar = "<div class='sd'><h1>This is a sidebar</h1>"
        sidebar<< "<ul>"
        sidebar<< "<li>First item</li>"
        sidebar<< "<li>Second item</li>"
        sidebar<< "</ul></div>"



Note that we have written HTML manually, but could have used gestalt for this task too.

To activate your helper, you have to set it in at least one controller :

class Controller < Ramaze::Controller
  layout :default
  helper :sidebar

This way, Ramaze will take care of loading your helper class automatically. Then, in your layout, you just have to call your Sidebar#generate method :

    <div class="sidebar-nav">
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