Flask template starter powered with Cookiecutter.
Light starter of fully opinionated Flask template. Based on previous experience. Be free to open an issue or fork this repo.
Install cookiecutter
$ pip install cookiecutter
on Arch Linux, use:
$ sudo pacman -S python-cookiecutter
Generate the project using the template
$ cookiecutter https://github.com/Raniita/yes-another-flask-template.git
Fill the differents vars for the project.
- Configure virtual environment (pipenv, venv, ...)
- Install python package requeriments:
$ pip install -r requeriments.txt
- Setup git
- Add License.md
Powered with this extensions:
- Flask >= 2.0
- Flask CLI commands
- Flask-Minify
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
- Flask-Migrate
- Flask-bcrypt
- Flask-Login
- Flask-Admin
- Flask-WTF
- Flask-RQ2
- Flask-DebugToolBar
- Blueprints and application factory pattern
- Continous integration with drone.ci
- Access control to views based on roles
- Admin panel (File browser, DB management)
- Admin dashboard
- Gotify push notifications
- Deploy based en Docker [docker-compose]