This is a responsive virtual shop website for buying clothes in your account(not really paying anything).
This repository is for the project's website:
This website sells cowboy outfits, The website allow you to browsing anonymously but you need to login with google account to be able for buying stuff.
When browsing you can add products to the cart by pressing "+" logo, anf after you add things to the cart you need to add your credit card info(not real just for visualization), and once you successfully insert everything right you can order it.
once done you can see it in your "orders list" and you can also cancel it if you want to.
The website is responsive for all screen sizes.
This is my first web development project, i did it for practicing.
The website is built mainly with ReactJS with Redux for frontend and Firebase tools for backend. If you are not familiar with them, I suggest checking out their documentation.
First, I started Reacjs project with this command:
npx create-react-app cowboyshop
I used also MUI for frontend stuff, you can install it with this commands:
npm install @mui/material
npm install @mui/icons-material
npm install @emotion/react @emotion/styled
You need also to install reactjs-popup, it is a beautiful library that helped me so much in designing the pop up windoes. Install it with this command:
npm install reactjs-popup –save
Then, you need to install Firebase libraries and tools with this command:
npm install firebase react-firebase-hooks
Once everything is ready you can run the website in the local server http://localhost:3000
and edit it with this command:
npm run start
I think it is a good idea to read the docs here because it may change so often.
Components live in src/Components
and every component style live in src/componentsStyle