The Geocluster is a service that has the ability to return information about places using a REST API. Places are defined within this API as establishments, geographic locations, or prominent points of interest.
Endpoints used to populate the database, make geospacial queries about existing Places
GET /api/v1/gspots application/json (index_places)
GET /api/v1/gspots?<lat>&<lng> application/json (get_possible_places)
GET /api/v1/gspots/populate?<lat>&<lng> application/json (populate_by_coordinate)
GET /api/v1/gspots/<id> application/json (show)
DELETE /api/v1/gspots/<id> (delete)
Endpoints used to store User visits to certain places and grouping them in user specified lists, enabling the generation of personalized routes based on previous Visits
POST /api/v1/visits application/json (new_visit)
GET /api/v1/visits/list/<list_id> application/json (show_visits_by_list)
DELETE /api/v1/visits/<id> (delete)
GET /api/v1/lists application/json (index_list)
POST /api/v1/lists application/json (new_list)
GET /api/v1/list/<id> application/json (show_list_by_id)
DELETE /api/v1/list/<id> (delete_list)
GET /api/v1/lists/user/<user_id> application/json (lists_by_author)
PUT /api/v1/list/<id> application/json (update_list_by_id)
Endpoints used to suggest visits and routes to users based on previous interaccions
GET /api/v1/magic?<lat>&<lng>&<user> application/json (get_route_suggestion)
GET /api/v1/magic/change?<lat>&<lng>&<place_id> (change_route_suggestion)
Build image from docker file
docker build . -t geoclust
It is assumed that the composer already created the docker network, if not:
docker network create roadiniserver_proxynet
docker-compose up
These are meant to be run inside the container
- Generate migration
example with visits
diesel migration generate create_visits
After writing new migration
- Aply
diesel migration run