Releases: RobHolme/DicomTools
No functional changes to the CmdLets from previous version. Only code changes to accommodate breaking changes between fo-dicom v4 --> v5.
Build now only supports Microsoft PowerShell Core (v7+) - Windows PowerShell (v5.1) will no longer be supported going forward (issues with fo-dicom under Windows Powershell prompted the move to Powershell Core only).
Updated build to use fo-dicom v5.0.3
Added Send-DWMLQuery function
Query a DICOM Modality Work List (DMWL), display the results returned. Default values for LocalAETitle and RemoteAETitle used if not supplied via the parameters. The default results will contain Patient details. The scheduled procedure steps can be accessed from the ProcedureSteps property returned. This is a list of all procedure steps for a given scheduled exam.
Restrict search by PatientName, PatientID, or Modality parameters. Include * search string for wildcard searches. Warning: A single search value of * will return all studies.
The StartDateTime and EndDateTime parameters can be supplied to constrain the search to exams scheduled between these dates. Both parameters must be supplied to create a date range. Any text value can be entered providing it can be recognised as a Date or DateTime value. e.g. "1997-09-18 20:00" or "18 Sept 97 8pm" would be accepted.
Send-DMWLQuery [-HostName] <string> [-Port] <int> [[-LocalAETitle] <string>] [[-RemoteAETitle] <string>] [[-PatientName] <string>] [[-PatientID] <string>] [[-Modality] <string>] [[-StartDateTime] <string>] [[-EndDateTime] <string>] [[-UseTLS]] [[-Timeout] <int>] [<CommonParameters>]
-HostName The hostname of the DICOM interface to query.
-Port The TCP port number of the DICOM interface.
-LocalAETitle The caller AE title. Defaults to 'DICOMTOOLS-SCU' if no parameter supplied.
-RemoteAETitle The called AE title. Defaults to 'ANY-SCP' if no parameter supplied.
-PatientName Constrain the search to specific patient names (may be case sensitive - depends on PACS).
-PatientID Constrain the search to specific patient IDs.
-Modality Constrain the search to a modality type.
-StartDateTime Constrain the search for studies scheduled on or after this DateTime. Must also supply the -EndDateTime parameter to create a date range.
-EndDateTime Constrain the search for studies scheduled on or before this DateTime. Must also supply the -StartDateTime parameter to create a date range.
-UseTLS Use TLS to secure the connection (if supported by the remote DICOM service).
-Timeout The timout in seconds before the DICOM association is cancelled (or time to wait for a response to the C-FIND if association was successful).