secretVault will allow you to push and get secret with an H2 database.
localhost:8080/secretVault/pushsecrets localhost:8080/secretVault/getsecrets
Linked to a scone cas/las and a session, you will be able to read secrets pushed only from the session: localhost:8080/secretVault/secret
In the Dockerfile-trusted are all the fspf files needed to protect the H2 database. If you don't want to use the scone stack, change the dockerfile used in build to Dockerfile-untrusted. This way the app will still boot but you won't be able to read session's secrets.
build with gradle : ./gradlew build build with docker : docker build --file Dockerfile-(un)trusted --build-arg JAR_FILE=build/libs/*.jar -t romainplt/secretVault . run docker-compose : docker-compose up secretVault