C++ library providing 3D Repo Scene Graph definition and repository management logic.
Both MongoDB and Assimp make use of Boost, so make sure this is installed first.
For Windows, download pre-built binaries http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-binaries/
There is also a GitHub transition taking place: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/ModularBoost If using Modular Boost, make sure to recursively update submodules since each boost library within the super projec is in itself a submodule.
Assuming you've installed the 64-bit pre-built boost libraries for VC120 (MSVS2013)
- Install Python2x (32-bit) and add Python to your PATH variable, e.g. C:\Python27;
- Install Scons and add Scons to your PATH variable, e.g. C:\Python27\Scripts
- Optionally, you can also install Pywin32 to enable parallel compile (the -j2 flag below).
Then compile MongoDB running the following from within the mongo-cxx-driver folder (modify the boost path to match your setup):
scons -j2 --full --64 --mute --sharedclient --dynamic-windows --use-system-boost --extrapath=c:\local\boost_1_56_0 --cpppath=c:\local\boost_1_56_0 --libpath=c:\local\boost_1_56_0\lib64-msvc-12.0 install-mongoclient
Add --dbg=on --opt=on flags to build a debug version of the library.
Alternatively, you can include SCons in your IDE.
Include the WinSock library in your application: Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies. Add ws2_32.lib.
If you want to build a Qt project, first you need to generate MongoDB error codes using Python:
cd submodules/mongo-cxx-driver/src/mongo/base
python generate_error_codes.py error_codes.err error_codes.h error_codes.cpp
When building using CMake GUI, make sure to disable ASSIMP_ENABLE_BOOST_WORKAROUND variable and instead use +Add Entry button on the right-hand side to include a path to your boost installation as BOOST_ROOT variable. See also http://assimp.sourceforge.net/lib_html/cmake_build.html
To be able to compile Assimp Tools, you also need to install DirectX SDK. If you have Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable, make sure to uninstall it from Programs and Features first.
The following instructions explain how to compile the 3drepocore library on Yosemite.
You will need boost, scons and cmake installed on your machine. You can get them from homebrew:
brew install boost
brew install scons
brew install cmake
To compile MongoDB, run the following command:
scons -j2 --full --64 --mute --sharedclient --osx-version-min=10.9 --use-system-boost install-mongoclient
Assimp uses cmake. Make a folder named build at the root of the assimp submodule directly. Then, run the following commands:
cd build
ccmake ..
Choose the following options:
Generate the project, and finally run:
make -j8
Finally to compile the library itself, open the build.pro project from qtcreator and build.