Discord bot for assigning roles with emojis and creating/managing channels.
npm install discord.js
npm install tesseract.js --save
npm install require
Then edit line 6 of app.js, changing from "config2.json" to "config.json". Add your Discord bot API token (found here) to the "token" field in config.json. To get a tag on error messages, change the "adminID" to your discord ID (found by turning discord developer option on, then copying ID).
node app.js
Displays welcome message for new exraid channels
Creates a new channel with name "channel-name" and topic "topic". Places it into Exraid category and assigns role "channel-name" to see it. Outputs welcome message into channel.
Delete the channel "channel-name" and unassigns everyone with role "channel-name". Can be run inside a channel or run outside a channel, listing multiple channe-names.
Outputs all current exraid channels and topics, allowing for emoji assignment of roles
Displays all users with the role channel-name.
Displays the count for each team. Numbers gathered from reactions to the pinned posts.
Shows the commands available, with a short description. If called by an admin, shows the command names for admin only commands as well.
Lists all channels starting with "Channel-substring". Similar to !listexraids command.
Deletes all channels/roles starting with "Channel-Substring".
- Fix bug where team numbers do not show after 100 messages in channel
- Add custom emojis in reaction
- Remove user reactions (rsvp list + team rsvp) when !leave's