A simple cookbook application to learn stuff and have fun while doing it.
Start Keycloak server:
cd keycloak\keycloak-3.4.3.Final\bin
Start Spring Boot backend server:
cd backend\
graldew bootrun
Start Angular 6 frontend:
cd frontend\
ng serve
Navigate to the Angular frontend:
// Username: david
// Password: david1
You manage users with keycloak. You can reach the keycloak frontend at:
// Username: admin
// Password: admin
Use gradlew bootrun --debug-jvm
to start Spring Bootrun in Debug-Mode. Spring will log the debug port to connect with.
First set the Dev-Profile in application.properties active by chaing the following property
We use MariaDB as Production-Database. Install MariaDB locally on your Computer (https://mariadb.org/). When you are done open the database terminal, login and create a Databsae with
mysql -u root -p //-p only if you set a password
create database db_cookbook;
We use Flyway to setup the Tables, Contraints and Content of the database. The Database Migration will run automatically on startup of the Springboot Application or manually with
gradlew flywayMigrate
Use gradlew flywayMigrate
to cleanup your Testdatabase