Campground-Reviews-Website is a website where users can create and review campgrounds. This project was part of Colt Steele's web dev course on Udemy.
This project was created using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Bootstrap. The application is deployed on render.(
MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture to achieve separation of concerns and maintain independence about backend/frontend services.
Express.js minimal, unopinionated backend framework to keep serverside boilerplate as low as possible. Especially useful for learning how to piece different technologies together to develop a complete backend. Express-Session to learn how cookies work to deliver a rich user experience through client and serverside cookies.
Passport.js for authentication and authorization.
MongoDB as the primary NoSQL database to store campgrounds, users, reviews, and session details. Mongoose as an ORM(Object relation mapping) library to interact with MongoDB.
Cloudinary to store images of campgrounds when users create new campgrounds, and to optimize them for when the client side requests them.
Mapbox to deliver an interactive map for users to visually see the location of campgrounds through a cluster map and a zoomed-in map for each campground.
EJS (Embedded JavaScript Templates) as a templating language to create dynamic user experiences.
Bootstrap is the driving CSS framework to create visually appealing user experiences.
Render to host the complete application