This is a site built for an assignment on how to write 'For Loops' in Javascript in the Epicodus curriculum, 06/09/2020
This site was created to meet the parameters of an assignment on writing 'For Loops' in Javascript in the Epicodus curriculum. It was created to prompt and capture 2 number inputs from the user and count up from the first number according to the value of the second number using a 'For Loop.'
Follow this link to view the project live on gh-pages.
To access the project:
Clone the repository from GitHub:
Open the repository in a text editor, such as VS Code.
To view the site:
Via your browser: drag and drop the index.html file into a browser
Via your terminal/command line: run the command: ‘open index.html’ in the terminal prompt.
There are no known bugs at this time.
If you have any questions or comments please contact Ruthie Newman via Github at RuthieRNewman and Matt Mcfarland via Github at HeyImMatt. Feedback and contributions are welcomed!
HTML CSS Javascript jQuery Bootstrap
*This software is licensed under the MIT license
Copyright (c) 2020 Ruthie Newman, Matt McFarland