npm init rw-indirect <project-name || null>
npm create rw-indirect <project-name || null>
- Fragment
- describe: No parent container
- props: [ ]
- use
- Portal
- describe: Insert into an element
- props: [ target: String | Element ]
- use
<Portal target={'#portal'}>...code</Portal>
- Index
- describe: Loop data
- props: [ each: Array ]
- use
<Index each={[]}>...code</Index>
- For
- describe: Loop data
- props: [ each: Array, key?: (item: any) => any ]
- use
<For each={[1,2,3,4]} key={(item) => item}>...code</For>
- Visible
- describe: Set the display CSS property of an inline style
- props: [ key: Boolean ]
- use
<Visible key={true}>...code</Visible>
- Switch
- describe: Tag Switch
- props: [ key: any ]
- relevance component: [ Case, Default ]
- use
const changeRef = ref(0) <button onClick={() => changeRef.value++}>add</button> <Switch key={changeRef}> <Case value={0}></Case> <Case value={1}></Case> <Case value={2}></Case> <Default></Default> </Switch>
- Async
- describe: Request data asynchronously
- props: [ promise: Promise | Ref ]
- reslevance component: [ Await, Then, Catch, Finally ]
- use
const getTodo = async () => { const res = await fetch(''); const data = await res.json(); await waiting(1000); return data; }; const promiseRef = ref(getTodo()); <button onClick={() => (promiseRef.value = getTodo())}>Get Todo</button> <Async promise={promiseRef}> <Await>...code</Await> <Then>...code</Then> <Catch>...code</Catch> <Finally>...code</Finally> </Async>
- Match
- describe: Labeled judgment
- props: [ ]
- reslevance component: [ Show, Otherwise ]
- use
const count = ref(0); <button onClick={() => (count.value ++)}>Count: {count}</button> <Match> <Show when={() => count.value > 0 && count.value < 5}> <div>Show 1 - 4</div> </Show> <Show when={() => count.value > 5 && count.value < 10}> <div>Show 6 - 9</div> </Show> <Otherwise> <div>Otherwise</div> </Otherwise> </Match>
Unique processing attributes
- describe: Read some attributes of the element
- value: [ Ref | Function ]
- use
const offsetWidth = ref(0); <div get:offsetWidth={offsetWidth}></div> <!-- Deprecated --> <div get:offsetWidth={(width) => (offsetWidth.value = width)}></div>
Form binding
- describe: Simplify form writing
- use
const message = ref('Rw Indirect Message'); <span>Multiline message is:</span> <p style='white-space: pre-line;'>{message}</p> <textarea bind:value={message} placeholder='add multiple lines'></textarea> <p>Message is: {message}</p> <input bind:value={message} placeholder='edit me' />
const checked = ref(false); <input type='checkbox' id='checkbox' bind:checked={checked} /> <label for='checkbox'>{checked}</label>
const picked = ref('One'); <div>Picked: {picked}</div> <input type='radio' id='one' value='One' bind:checked={picked} /> <label for='one'>One</label> <input type='radio' id='two' value='Two' bind:checked={picked} /> <label for='two'>Two</label>
const checkedNames = ref(['Jack']); <div>Checked names: {checkedNames}</div> <input type='checkbox' id='jack' value='Jack' bind:group={checkedNames} /> <label for='jack'>Jack</label> <input type='checkbox' id='john' value='John' bind:group={checkedNames} /> <label for='john'>John</label> <input type='checkbox' id='mike' value='Mike' bind:group={checkedNames} /> <label for='mike'>Mike</label>
const selected = ref('B'); const options = ref([ { text: 'One', value: 'A' }, { text: 'Two', value: 'B' }, { text: 'Three', value: 'C' }, ]); <div>Selected: {selected}</div> <select bind:selected={selected}> <Index each={options}> {(option) => <option value={option.value.value}>{option.value.text}</option>} </Index> </select>
const selected = ref([]); <div>Selected: {selected}</div> <select bind:selected={selected} multiple> <option>A</option> <option>B</option> <option>C</option> </select>
const selected = ref(''); <div>Selected: {selected}</div> <select bind:selected={selected}> <option disabled value=''> Please select one </option> <option>A</option> <option>B</option> <option>C</option> </select>
- describe: Convenience properties
- use
directive('focus',(el, binding, updateHook) => { console.log(el, binding); updateHook((newValue, oldValue) => {}); return () => { // cleanup code } }) // Can have parameters: rw-value:arg$trim$number... <input rw-focus />
<!-- Deprecated --> function focus(el){ el.focus(); return () => { // cleanup code } } // When the parameter is a function <input rw-focus={focus}/>
- provide
- describe: Provides a value that can be injected by descendant components
- use
function App(){ provide('name', 'provide value') return <> <Test /> </> }
- inject
- describe: Inject a value provided by the superior
- use
function Test(){ const value = inject('name', 'defaultValue'); return <h1>Test</h1> }
- onMount
- describe: Execute after mounting
- use
function App(){ onMount(() => { console.log('Mount App'); }) return <h1>App</h1> }
- onCleanup
- describe: Execute after uninstalling
- use
function App() { onCleanup(() => { console.log('Cleanup App'); }) return <h1>App</h1> }
- render
- describe: Render to page
- use
/** [ If the second parameter is not filled in, a div with id="app" will be automatically created. ] */ render(<h1>Rw Indirect</h1>)