Scalable diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia using high-dimensional machine learning and blood transcriptomics
This repository contains the code necessary to reproduce the main figures from the manuscript by Warnat-Herresthal et. al 2019.
You can also run the code in the docker-container, which provides the data and all packages necessary to reproduce the calculations. For resproducing the figures, we provide our main results in the folder results
The folders contain the following scripts:
- calculations: R-scripts to reproduce the main prediction results.
- figures: RMD-files and knitted HTMLs with figures and subfigures.
- results: output directory for the calculation scripts and our precalculated results to reproduce the figures.
- docker: The dockerfile for
The scripts were written by Stefanie Warnat-Herresthal, Konstaninos Perrakis and Bernd Taschler.