This repository contains code to solve a production scheduling optimization problem. The problem is to determine long-term production plans for land-based salmon farms. In land-based salmon farming, salmon can either be grown to harvest size, or sold as post-smolt to be deployed to conventional sea farms. Land-based farms are organized in modules, each containing a number of tanks. Salmon can be transferred between tanks in the same module, but are not transferred between modules. With multiple modules and tanks, and and time-dependent growth and prices, the planning problem becomes very complex to solve optimally.
The optimization problem and the mixed-integer programming (MIP) base model is described in more detail in Johan Moldeklev Føsund and Erlend Hjelle Strandkleiv's Master's thesis Using Branch and Price to Optimize Land-Based Salmon Production. This repository contains an implementation of their model and several decomposition schemes -- the most effective of them being the production cycle decomposition. See the solver descriptions below.
The repository is structured as follows:
contains input and output data. See the description inData/Folder Format.txt
and the section on iterations below.experiments
contains various output files from experiments.fiskologisk
is the Python module containing the solver.scripts
contains various tools.ui
contains a simple TypeScript/React visualization tool for the finished production
is the main executable for the solver.
The visualization tool with a set of pre-computed production plans is also available on the web:
- Python >=3.10
- Gurobipy (
pip install gurobipy
) - Optional: Rust tooling and maturin (
pip install maturin
) for the DP subproblem solver
In this context, we are solving a long-term planning problem (typically 2-4 years). However, the initial state of the facility, meaning the age and weight of the fish currently in the tanks, can still significantly influence the decisions made in the production plan.
Since we are solving hypothetical case studies, we do not have data for the current state of the tanks. We use a planning horizon that starts in the month of March, and it is not reasonable to assume that the tanks are empty at that time. Instead, we solve the planning problem in multiple iterations, starting with iteration 0 with all empty tanks. Then, in each successive iteration we use the ending state of the previous iteration's month of March in the final year to use as the next iteration's state in the month of March in the initial year. Three such initial iterations seemed to produce a reasonable starting state.
A complete run of the planning iterations would look like:
python Data/Decomp_M2_T4_Y4_E14_P18/Iteration0.json
python Data/Decomp_M2_T4_Y4_E14_P18/Iteration1.json
python Data/Decomp_M2_T4_Y4_E14_P18/Iteration2.json
python Data/Decomp_M2_T4_Y4_E14_P18/Iteration3.json
In performance evaluations, we consider only the last command invocation to represent the solving of the actual planning problem that would be used in a productive environment, and the three initial runs are only there to provide a reasonable initial state for the facility.
The program can be configured to use different solver implementations by giving
the command line parameters --Decomposition 0/1/2
--Heuristic true/false
. Each configuration is described briefly below.
Note that for the decomposition approaches, we have not yet implemented branching, so column generation is limited to the root node (sometimes called the price-and-branch approach). Typically, these decompositions give good lower bounds, so your solution is often within a few percent of the optimal, but to get fully optimal solutions would require explicit branching with column generation in each node (branch-and-price).
The complete MIP model for all decisions, based on the model described in Using Branch and Price to Optimize Land-Based Salmon Production.
As it is the default setting, it is executed by running:
python Data/Decomp_M2_T4_Y4_E14_P18/Iteration3.json
... or, explicitly:
python Data/Decomp_M2_T4_Y4_E14_P18/Iteration3.json --Decomposition 0
Also described in the same Master's thesis, this algorithm decomposes decisions about each module into separate subproblems. The subproblems are solved using the same MIP formulation as in the full MIP, but the solutions of the different modules are combined in a master MIP problem using column generation. Executed by running:
python Data/Decomp_M2_T4_Y4_E14_P18/Iteration3.json --Decomposition 1
This algorithm uses the same decomposition as the previous one, but instead of using the MIP formulation for the single-module production planning problem, we use a dynamic programming algorithm over a state space that is discretized to a fixed set of biomass levels.
This subproblem solver is implemented in Rust for performance reasons, so to
use this algorithm you will need to install the
Rust toolchain, maturin (pip install maturin
), and then
install the DP algorithm as a module into your Python environment:
cd fiskologisk/solvers/dp_heur
maturin develop --release
Then, the algorithm is executed by running:
python Data/Decomp_M2_T4_Y4_E14_P18/Iteration3.json --Decomposition 1 --Heuristic true
This algorithm uses a decomposition where decisions pertaining to a single production cycle is treated as a subproblem, and production-cycle solutions are packed into the overall production plan by a set packing MIP formulation.
Executed by running:
python Data/Decomp_M2_T4_Y4_E14_P18/Iteration3.json --Decomposition 2
The code in this repository was mainly written by Kjell Fredrik Pettersen, Giorgio Sartor, Bjørnar Luteberget, and Eirik Kjeken in 2023. The development was funded by SINTEF's 2023 strategisk egenfinansiert prosjekt Fiskologisk. This work is also heavily based on the modeling and case study performed by Johan Moldeklev Føsund and Erlend Hjelle Strandkleiv in their Master's thesis.