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Installation Instructions

ftshijt edited this page Jan 11, 2021 · 2 revisions

This Wiki aims to provide the installation instructions for the SVS_system

Steps1: Git clone SVS_system

$ cd <any-place>
$ git clone

Step2 [Optional]: Put complied Kaldi under SVS_system/tools

If you have complied Kaldi at Step1, put it under tools.

$ cd <SVS_system-root>/tools
$ ln -s <kaldi-root> .

If you do not have SVS_system/tools/kaldi, when make, Kaldi repository is automatcally put without compliling (For now, we only use some basic shell in Kaldi, so no need for complied versions).

Step3: Setup Python environment

You have to create <SVS_system-root>/tools/ to specify the Python interpreter used in SVS_system recipes. (To understand how SVS_system specifies Python, see for example.)

We also have some scripts to generate tools/

  • Option A: setup anaconda environment
$ cd <SVS_system-root>/tools
$ ./ [output-dir-name|default=venv] [conda-env-name|default=root] [python-version|default=none]
# e.g.
$ ./ anaconda svs 3.8

This script tries to create a new miniconda if the output directory doesn’t exist. If you already have Anaconda and you’ll use it then,

$ cd <SVS_system-root>/tools
$ CONDA_TOOLS_DIR=$(dirname ${CONDA_EXE})/..
$ ./ ${CONDA_TOOLS_DIR} [conda-env-name] [python-version]
# e.g.
$ ./ ${CONDA_TOOLS_DIR} svs 3.8
  • Option B: Setup system Python environment
$ cd <SVS_system-root>/tools
$ ./ $(command -v python3)
  • Option C: Without setting Python environment

Option B and Option C are almost same. This option might be suitable for Google colab.

$ cd <SVS_system-root>/tools
$ rm -f && touch

Step4: Install SVS

$ cd <SVS_system-root>/tools
$ make

The Makefile tries to install SVS_system and all dependencies including PyTorch. You can also specify PyTorch version, for example:

$ cd <SVS_system-root>/tools
$ make TH_VERSION=1.3.1

Note that the CUDA version is derived from nvcc command. If you’d like to specify the other CUDA version, you need to give CUDA_VERSION.

$ cd <SVS_system-root>/tools
$ make TH_VERSION=1.3.1 CUDA_VERSION=10.1

If you don’t have nvcc command, packages are installed for CPU mode by default. If you’ll turn it on manually, give CPU_ONLY option.

$ cd <SVS_system-root>/tools
$ make CPU_ONLY=0

Step5: Check installation

You can check whether your installation is successfully finished by

$ cd <SVS_system-root>/tools
$ . ./; python3

Note that this check is always called in the last stage of the above installation.