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Deploying Server Modpacks

wysohn edited this page Jun 11, 2018 · 8 revisions

The server deploy tool can be used to create a server version of your modpack, under the assumption that you properly marked files and folders as client-only and server-only.

However, the deploy tool is not smart as the client launcher: it won't remove files that you deleted from your modpack. You are advised to potentially delete the entire mods/ folder on the server before deployment, although make sure that that doesn't cause the removal of data.

The deploy will also not build the server for you (Forge server, Cauldron, etc.) as you may be using a custom server software anyway.

Via the Modpack Creator

You can use the server deploy tool from within the Modpack Creator:

  1. Select "Deploy Server" under "Build"

  2. Select an output directory:

    Deploy Server

Via Command Line

Get the .jar from the launcher-builder/build/libs/ folder.

java -cp launcher-builder-X.Y.Z-SNAPSHOT-all.jar com.skcraft.launcher.builder.ServerCopyExport
  --source src
  --dest /path/to/server/dir/

Warning: For the --source parameter, remember to give the path to the src/ folder.

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