An error or misbehavior of an existing feature (ticket type)
A change of an existing feature (ticket type)
Reliability, maintainability, reusability, or testability
System unusable as a whole or on critical functionality, no workaround (Severity for bugs/defects)
Issues concerned with improving the quality of the data contained in SORMAS
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Deployment to test or production systems, continuous delivery, etc.
Issues that aim to improve the design and usability of the application
Issues that will not be implemented
Discussion about whether or not the issue should or can be implemented required
Guides or documentation to help users, developers or other contributors
Duplicate of an already existing issue
A high level ticket with subtickets for development (ticket type)
A new feature to be developed (ticket type)
Feedback from the creator of the issue required
Not directly concerned with any particular functional section of the application
An issue that is supposed to be solved in a hotfix prior to the next planned release
Important issues that require timely implementation
Integration with external systems, for example related to the fields of a DTO send to SORMAS
A functional requirement is incorrect or incomplete, ... (Severity for bugs/defects)