Clicky Evaluation parses simple Haskell-like expressions and function definitions and renders them as HTML. The user can then choose which subexpressions to evaluate for one step by clicking on them. This is intended as a simple learning tool for beginners, which shows them how their Haskell code might be evaluated.
You can try it here.
The projects name is a play on lazy evaluation and clicking to evaluate an expression.
- Bool
- Char
- Int
- String
- List
- Tupel
- Arithmetic operators
[(+), (-), (*), ('div'), ('mod'), (^)]
- Comparsion operators
[(==), (/=), (<=), (<), (>), (>=)]
- Boolean operators
[(&&), (||), (not)]
- Other operators
[($), (.), (:), (++)]
- Infix to prefix conversion
a + b <=> (+) a b
- Pattern matching on atoms (numbers, ...), lists and tuples
- Anonymous functions (lambdas)
- Sections
(^2) 4 => 4^2 => 16
- Most of the simple Prelude functions on lists
head, map, foldr, scanr, filter, all, ...
- Types for Bool, Char, Int, List, Tupel and Prelude functions
- Type inference for user defined functions and expressions
Everything not on the above list. Especially:
- Guards
- Multi-line expressions, significant whitespace
- Floating point numbers
- ADTs
- Comments
- List comprehensions
- Type classes
Install npm
and purescript
(at least 0.8.0).
You can get purescript
via cabal install purescript
or npm install purescript
Then run:
npm install
npm run build
For the unit tests you can also run:
npm run test
After a successful build use:
<your_browser> html/index.html
You can build and host a specific version of ClickyEvaluation yourself by providing the following files on your webserver:
- index.html
- source.css
- Main.js (generated with
npm run test
orpulp build --to Main.js
Or you can link to the most recent version here.